LSC Roundtable Collection I: Essays on Designing for Inclusion and Equity

1. Thinking Metaphorically about Spaces for Learning 2. How Do We Disrupt the System? 3. Experience of the User Learner 4. The Yardstick: A New Metaphor for the Process of Planning 5. How Can Space Facilitate the Process of Making Knowledge? 6. Assessing How Spaces Enable Comfort and Belonging 7. Planning and Designing for Inclusivity […]


The Principle of Choice

“How can the principle of choice be leveraged into planning and designing high-performance settings for learning? This is the question we ended with; we did not begin with it. We started with a lot of discussion about students, about the experiences of students as learners, and about the potential of empowering the principle of ‘choice’ […]


Experience of the User Learner

“What spaces should be designed for is to motivate students to take risks. So a space has to be comfortable enough for them to get out of their comfort zone. This is not an audacious question, but an audacious proposition. I am sure that on campuses like this where GPA is important, you have students […]


Process Orientated Guided Inquiry Learning

POGIL uses guided inquiry—a learning cycle of exploration, concept invention, and application that is the basis for the carefully designed materials that students use. POGIL activities focus on core concepts and encourage a deep understanding of the course material while developing process skills that help students become lifelong learners and prepare them to be more […]


Active Learning Classrooms

“Active Learning Classrooms invite faculty to demand more from students and make it easier for faculty to support students in achieving ambitious learning goals. Since opening Bruininks Hall, which houses ten Active Learning Classrooms (ALCs), nearly every undergraduate at the University of Minnesota has taken at least one course in an active learning space.”


Problem Based Learning (PBL)

Pioneered at the University of Delaware in the early 1990’s, the PBL pedagogical approach has continued to evolve in ways that influence how learning happens and how spaces for learning are planned on that campus. Why PBL? Learning begins with a problem. Planning for a new interdisciplinary science and engineering at U Delaware built on […]


Reshaping Space to Facilitate Learning: SCALE-UP

SCALE-UP spaces are designed so teachers can combine separate activities like lecture, lab, and recitation into a single, unified learning experience to meet higher standards for student success as learners.
