A. From the Perspective of the Learner

  1. Of Special Note (2/24/20)Making the case for determining the return on the investment of institutional resources in physical and virtual environments for learning can be calibrated from several perspectives: focusing on learners, institutional programmatic and pedagogical initiatives, faculty and budgets, and, finally, on the institutional image into the future.
    • What do we know now about how our students experience learning?
    • What difference will new/repurposed spaces have for the experience of the learner?
    • If we are to establish baseline data from which to determine the impact of our planning on learners, what do we need to know as we begin?
    • How can we calibrate the return on investment at the level of the individual student, on our graduates?
    • What will be our measures of success for what our students have become, and are recognized for accomplishing in the world?
    • How do we measure the return on an investment in spaces we have intentionally designed as a bridge into the future?


  1. National Reports
    How People Learn Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition
    How People Learn II: Learners, Contexts, and Cultures: Learners, Contexts, and Cultures

    The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century
  2. From the LSC Roundtables/Roadmap
  3. From the Field
  4. Strategies


B. From the Perspective of Institutional Assets

C. Making the Case – Planning takes a long time



>>LSC Guide II: Questions that Matter