The 2018 Series of LSC Roundtables continues such conversations, offering an opportunity for small groups of academics and architects around the country to explore and make the case for new questions that push campuses and planning teams to think more audaciously, to be open to new ideas, to scan the horizon for what is coming next and why that matters to planning 21st century learning spaces.

2018 LSC Roundtables focus on the early stages of planning, considering a variety of spatial types or planning issues. Questions such as these will set the stage for the Roundtable discussion: “what keeps you up at night when thinking about planning…”

  • …spaces for informal learning within a building and/or as part of a campus-wide ecosystem of learning
  • …spaces that accommodate 21st century research-based pedagogies, in classrooms and labs
  • …spaces that need to be repurposed, renovated, renewed for 21st century learners and learning
  • …spaces that dissolve boundaries between disciplines, programs, schools, such as spaces for the fine arts, spaces for making, libraries
  • …spaces that nurture a campus ecosystem for learning
  • …spaces that push the envelope, anticipate the future.

LSC Roundtables engage selected stakeholders, including architects and academics (faculty and administrators from a diverse set of institutions, different disciplines and spheres of responsibility).

Information for Architects.

During the four-hour roundtable, small working groups, assembled around a shared challenge or concern, will be charged to outline strategies for assessing the impact of informal spaces on learners. Each group will present and make the case for its strategy to the larger group. The roundtable will conclude with a conversation about next steps–including individual take-home ideas. A paper will be drafted following the roundtable. It will include an illustrated summary of roundtable discussions, recommendations for future actions, and ideas for applications made after the session. Reports from each of the Roundtables will be integrated in the LSC Roadmap: Focusing on the Future of Planning Learning Spaces, thus benefitting the broader LSC community.

More about the LSC Roundtables